Ji, R., Stegert, C. and Davis, C.S. Sensitivity of copepod populations to bottom-up and top-down forcing: a modeling study in the Gulf of Maine Bank region. J. Plankton Res.35 (1), 66-79.
Stegert, C., Ji, R., Li, N. and Davis, C.S. Processes controlling seasonality and spatial distribution of Centropages typicus: A modeling study in the Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank region. J. Plankton Res.34 (1), 18-35.
Renz, J., Stegert, C.,Peters, J., Moll, A., Hirche, H.-J., Linking stage resolved population models with field observations - an integrated approach on population dynamics of Pseudocalanus elongatus in the German Bight. J. Plankton Res.34 (1), 1-17.
Stegert, C., Ji, R. and Davis, C.S. Influence of projected ocean warming on population growth potential in two North Atlantic copepod species. Progr. Oceanogr.87, 264-276.
Stegert, C., Kreus, M. and Moll, A. Validation of the three-dimensional ECOHAM model for the German Bight in 2004 including population dynamics of Pseudocalanus elongatus. J. Sea Res.62, 1-15.
Kühn, W., Peck, M.A., Hinrichsen, H.-H., Daewel, U., Moll, A., Pohlmann, T., Stegert, C., Tamm, S. Spatial and temporal changes in the habitat suitability of the German Bight (southern North Sea) for larval sprat: An IBM approach using size-structured prey fields. J. Mar. Sys.74, 1-2, 329-342.
Stegert, C., Kreus, M., Carlotti, F. and Moll, A. Parameterisation of a zooplankton population model for Pseudocalanus elongatus using stage durations from laboratory experiments. Ecol. Model.206, 213-230.
Moll, A. and Stegert, C. Modelling Pseudocalanus elongatus population dynamics embedded in a water column ecosystem model for the northern North Sea. J. Mar. Sys.64, 35-46.
other contributions
Memery, L., Stegert, C., Butenschön, M., Allen, J.I., Yool, A., Anderson, T., Report on major controls on the ecosystem and biogeochemical cycling at the basin scale. Deliverable 6.4 of the 7th Framework Programme EURO-BASIN..
Allen, J.I., Butenschön, M., Memery, L., Stegert, C., Yool, A., Anderson, T., Report on
ensemble of hindcasts of basin-scale ecosystem. Deliverable 6.3 of the 7th Framework Programme EURO-BASIN..
Ji, R., Stegert, C. and Davis, C.S.. Modeling copepod populations in the Gulf of Maine: building prediction capability through a process-oriented approach. ICES CM2010/L.
Stegert, C. Modellierung der jahreszeitlichen Entwicklung einer Zooplanktonpopulation in der Nordsee. PhD thesis. Universität Hamburg, 126 pp.
Moll, A., Stegert, C., Kreus, M., Pätsch, J. and Kühn, W. Modeling competition between a structured population and rest zooplankton in the North Sea using the three-dimensional ecosystem model ECOHAM. GLOBEC Int. Newsl.13 (2), 63-64.
Stegert, C. Untersuchung der physikalischen und biologisch-chemischen Steuerung einer Zooplanktonpopulation im Nordseeökosystem mit Hilfe von Modellstudien. Dipl. thesis. Universität Hamburg, 81 pp.